
Understanding The Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

Things really move fast in software development. Therefore, a well-organized approach towards the creation of software is imperative. That is what the Software Development Life Cycle is all about: it’s a step-by-step process for building software applications. In this paper, Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) will be discussed in further detail, its stages, approaches, and top tips identified.

When sourcing software for your business, it’s critical to ensure that it’s developed properly. Choosing a reliable software development company is a significant first step. Understanding the nuances of high-quality software development processes is equally important. The secure software development life cycle is fundamental in this regard, providing a proven framework for successful software creation.

SDLC is a well-structured process that details how to develop or modify software products. It provides an orderly way of developing software efficiently for any organization. The objective is to create high-quality software at the least possible cost and in the shortest period. This paper will discuss the stages of SDLC, major participants, benefits, and the two primary methodologies: waterfall and agile. By the end, you will understand enough about software development life cycle SDLC to help you in selecting the appropriate software company for your project.

Benefits of SDLC

The software development life cycle is essential for efficient project planning, estimating, and scheduling. It enhances control and monitoring of large projects, establishes a standard set of activities and deliverables, aids in tracking project progress, and strengthens client relationships. SDLC ensures transparency in project planning for all stakeholders, ultimately reducing the total project duration. The meticulous planning in SDLC for software development projects also minimizes project risk and management overhead.

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The Phases Of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

1. Requirements collection and analysis

The Requirements Analysis phase is also a part of the software development life cycle (sdlc) process. In this phase, project managers and stakeholders gather all types of business requirements from customers, sales teams, market surveys, and experts in that particular industry. All kinds of information are gathered to make a project roadmap. In addition, the product feasibility study is carried out with regard to the economic, operational, and technical assessment of a product. Technical approaches are determined at this phase of a study with regard to the information provided, which can minimize risks and ensure the success of the project. This phase also defines the requirements of risk identification and quality assurance.

General questions that might get answered during the requirements collection and analysis phase include:

  • I/O considerations: what data interfaces should the software have?
  • How much data will need to be stored and processed?
  • How will users interact with the software?
  • What features need to be included in the software?
  • Who will use the system?
  • What devices should be supported?

2. Software design and architecture

In this stage, the software architecture is built based on the requirements outlined in the previous phase. It serves as a roadmap that outlines the structure of the system for the entire project. This blueprint will guide the implementation phase.

The software architect plays a crucial role in this stage, focusing on defining necessary operations and functions (like business rules, screen layouts, and database structures) and developing the project’s architectural plan. Additionally, the design phase includes a QA lead who devises a testing strategy outlining what to test and how to test it. During this phase, a business analyst would supply requirements to the design team and assess the solution design.

3. Implementation/Coding

This stage is all about development, the most time-consuming phase in SDLC. System design documents play a crucial role in project construction. The development team plays a key role during this phase, whether it’s a solo developer or a group led by a team leader. Additionally, a project manager or business analyst might also be part of the process. The project manager keeps an eye on the project’s advancement, while the analyst assists in defining the project’s requirements.

4. Software testing

After the code is finished, we can start testing it. During this phase, we make sure that the software meets the business requirements and solves the identified needs. This involves various types of testing, such as acceptance, integration, and non-functional testing. The main players in this phase are the QA team and sometimes business representatives.

5. Installation/Deployment of the software

During the installation/deployment phase, the software solution is prepared for the production environment and for use by the end-user. This end user could be an internal group within a company or the general public, or even both, depending on the project. The implementation is carefully planned.

The software can be rolled out gradually, starting with a small portion of the market to see how it performs in a real business setting. If any major issues are found, the developers can step in to help. In bigger companies, there’s usually a team dedicated to handling releases. Once the software is up and running, the project manager updates the rest of the team on what was achieved and the outcomes.

6. Software maintenance

After the product is released, the SDLC enters this phase. Any issues that arise post-release must be addressed. This process of addressing issues is called maintenance, which may include repairs, software upgrades, and fixing unexpected program shutdowns. Additionally, applications may need to be upgraded or integrated with newer systems.

What Is The Waterfall Model In Sdlc?

The waterfall model was the initial process model to be presented. It follows a linear path in software development and is recognized as a linear-sequential model with distinct milestones. One advantage of the waterfall model is its simplicity in usage and comprehension. Each stage must be completed before moving on to the next one. No phases overlap in this model.

The waterfall model works best when the business requirements are clear, and there are enough resources (both in terms of team and capital). It’s a straightforward model to manage because the phases are well-defined. Another advantage is that outcomes are thoroughly documented using the waterfall approach. Plus, the budget is predetermined, so you know the total project cost upfront.

Some projects may not be suitable for the waterfall model. For instance, large and intricate projects may pose significant risks if they involve new and creative concepts that cannot be precisely defined from the start. Additionally, projects that undergo frequent changes in requirements are not compatible with the waterfall model due to its inability to adjust to evolving needs.

What Is The Agile Model In SDLC?

The agile model focuses on adaptive software development techniques, unlike traditional SDLC models like the waterfall methodology that rely on a more predictive approach. With agile, the customer can review the progress after each development iteration to determine satisfaction levels. This flexibility allows for early changes in the development cycle if the results are not meeting expectations. Agile is best suited for projects with high risks of changing business requirements, requiring minimal initial planning to kickstart. However, due to ongoing interactions and lack of a strict development plan, projects may extend for longer periods leading to unpredictable costs.


Knowing the Software Development Life Cycle can enhance the quality of your software and create cooperation between you and the software company you choose for your project. In this article, we have covered some of the advantages of SDLC: it speeds up development and minimizes project risk and management overhead. We have also described the six phases for the software development life cycle: requirement collection and analysis, design, implementation/coding, testing, installation/deployment, and maintenance. Last but not least, we introduced the waterfall and agile SDLC models. Recall that the waterfall model is applicable only in cases where the environments and requirements do not change often, while in scenarios of perpetual change in u, we have the agile model finding its place.

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